
About Us

Fierce Magazine is the first Stardoll-based magazine to do something different. Each issue will bring more style, influence and inspiration to each reader. Though some ideas are whacky and not designed to please everyone, despite your distate you'll find yourself strangely attatched to the magazine. Maybe it's the graphics, maybe it's the writing, or maybe it's just the overall look of Fierce, either way, you've got yourself hooked on something grand.

Before Fierce, there was Sprinkle which is the foundation of Fierce Magazine. Sprinkle was edited and ruled by Alice: Hunnigall and Ashwy: TheBlack.Secret, but when Ashwy left and asked for Mika: Mika-Ma to replace her, it was made over as Fierce and continues to become Fiercer and Fiercer.....

Current editors-in-chief of Fierce Magazine: Alice Fare hunnigall & Emma Ullits mysecketlover